Projekt nr LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081

Ochrona zbiorowisk nieleśnych na terenie Beskidzkich Parków Krajobrazowych

Cooperation between the Project – the key to the optimal protection of the non-forest habitats


     On 6th July 2015, the workers of the Section Life+ Beskidy and the workers of the Complex of the Landscape Parks of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship participated in the conference inaugurating the Project entitled: „Ochrona torfowisk alkalicznych (7230) południowej Polski” LIFE13 NAT/PL/024 [Eng: ‘Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland’], implemented by the Naturalist’s Club from Świebodzin. The meeting took place in Office of the Gorce National Park and was aimed at presenting the characteristics of mountain and lowland alkaline fens, the subjects of the Project, its objectives and scope of action.

The Project was devoted to alkaline fens conservation and it was implemented in the areas neighbouring with those encompassed by the Project Life+ Beskidy. For this reason, it is important to promote cooperation between these two Projects, in particular to the extent of active conservation and exchange of information about the state of the habitats.

We warmly thank the workers of the Naturalist Club for the invitation to the conference and we wish them the successful implementation of the Project, thus we encourage them to contact us on a regular basis.





Projekt LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081 pn. „Ochrona zbiorowisk nieleśnych na terenie Beskidzkich Parków Krajobrazowych” jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach komponentu I LIFE+ Przyroda i różnorodność biologiczna oraz Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.