In June 2016 we started the third cycle of workshops dedicated to local stakeholders. The workshops are comprised of two parts, namely the indoor session held at the  Branch Office of   ZPKWŚinŻywiec and the outdoor session -  climbing the Ochodzita Mountain  inKoniaków. The workshops are dedicated to all the concerned parties, although it is not a secret that children and school students  most often enjoy this form of education.

At the workshops the participants will learn about characteristic features of non-forest habitats, major objectives to be achieved and tasks to be implemented within the framework of the Project, will discuss the necessity to protect such areas  in an active manner. In the course of the workshop sessions, each of the participants will have the opportunity to use plant atlases and plant guides to learn to recognise protected species on one’s own. The group of participants in the workshop sessions will have the opportunity to learn about the issue of sheep graze in the mountains and to consider advantages and disadvantages of sheep graze. The workshop participants will play the role of a rural municipality governor, an ecologist, a resident and a tourist in one of the towns in the area of the Beskidy Mountains and will make the attempt to decide thoughtfully about sheep graze in the area of the towns they represent in order to  support the local economy as well as to contribute to the protection of flora in the pasture land, mountain pasture, meadows, and  grass land. In the course of the outdoor session, the participants will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful landscape view from the summit of the Ochodzita Mountain, to admire sheep grazing in meadows, to admire birds of prey flying above the field or dunk beetles wandering nearby the sheep in the grass land.

The workshop programme is tailored to each of the groups therefore even kindergarten kids are enjoying their participation in the workshop sessions!

You are mostly welcome to find out more about the educational offer and to contact the Project Implementors in order to obtain the details about the workshops. 


warsztaty edukacyjnepic. ZPKWŚ






Projekt LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081 pn. „Ochrona zbiorowisk nieleśnych na terenie Beskidzkich Parków Krajobrazowych” jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach komponentu I LIFE+ Przyroda i różnorodność biologiczna oraz Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.