End of the grazing season 2015!
A. Smolarska
At the end of the summer, the flocks of sheep gradually leave the pastures and meadows and the autumn rain washes away the hoof-prints on paths in the Beskidy Mountains. The grazing season lasting from May within the Project LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081 entitled ‘Conservation of Non-forest Habitats in the Area of the Landscape Parks in the Beskidy Mountains’ nears its end.
Five months of fresh grass
The sheep grazing carried out within the Project Life+ „Beskidy” starts in May and lasts until the end of September. In relation to that, the shepherding events promoting the traditional shepherding are organised both at the beginning and end of the grazing season. Tasting of traditional pastoral products, such as oscypek, workshops on processing wool into felt and on cheese production take place, among others, during the events. A folk group plays during the event.
For approximately five months a year the sheep purchased within the framework of the Project are grazed on pastures and mountain meadows, which are critically important in terms of nature and landscape. During the remaining months of the year sheep are in warm pens under the watchful eyes of the sheepherders.
On the occasion of the end of the grazing season we kindly invite you to a shepherd’s party, which is going to take place this Friday (i.e. 9th October 2015) at 9.00 a.m. and last until 3.00 p.m., next to the shepherd's hut built within the Project in Kamesznica – Złatna, close to the trail to Barania Góra. To find out more, please contact the Project Organizers.