On 13th and 14th of June in Ustroń the conference was held to summarise the implementation of the Life Beskidy Project. Notwithstanding the fact that the Project will have come to an end only after a couple of months, the pasturage season had just been commenced, the conference was a good occasion to summarise the measures that ha been carried out within the framework of the Project since 2013.

The conference was organised to have two parts - the indoor session on the first day and the outdoor session. The conference agenda covered the issues of non-forest habitat protection in Beskidy in its broad meaning and highlighted the role of the LIFE Projects in terms of biological diversity protection in the whole of Poland for gathered guests.

The conference was presided over by the Project scientific consultant Professor Zbigniew Wilczek, habilitated doctor. The opening speech was delivered by Ms Hanna Pompa Obońska Prime Deputy Director of the Landscape Parks Compound of the Silesian Voivodeship, who made the gathered guests familiar with the thematic background of the Project. In the course of the conference, the following speeches were delivered:

- Protection of non-forest habitats in the area of the Beskidy Landscape Parks implementation of LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081 Project Anna Smolarska, Life Beskidy Project,

- Outcome of environmental monitoring carried out within the framework of LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081 Project Mariusz Simka, Ośrodek Badań i Kontroli Środowiska [Environmental Control and Study Centre] in Katowice,

- Carpathian Borough = Brenna Jerzy Pilch, the Governor of Brenna Borough

- Archive Scraps about Shepherds Huts in the Beskidy Mountains Małgorzata Kiereś, Muzeum Beskidy Museum named Andrzej Podżorski in Wisła,

- Non-forest habitats in the Silesian Beskidy Jerzy Parusel, the Director for   the Upper Silesian Natural Heritage Centre in Katowice,

- Protection of valuable habitats in Ponidzie LIFE13 NAT/PL/000038 Wojciech Sołtysiak, the Project Manager for LIFE13 NAT/PL/000038 Project, the Compound of Świętokrzyskie andNadnidziańskie Landscape Parks in Kielce,

- In onformity with nature LIFE + for Janowskie Woodland LIFE13 NAT/PL/000032 - Krzysztof Wawer, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Lublin,

- Combating impatiens glandulifera within the framework of the Project: Active Protection of Threatened Species and Habitats in the area of the Natura 2000 Site Wigierska Community Lech Krzysztofiak, Wigierski Landscape Park,

- Active protection of reptiles within the framework of the Project: Active Protection of Threatened Species and Habitats in the area of the Natura 2000 Site Wigierska Community Anna Krzysztofiak, Wigierski Landscape Park.


konferencja na stronę

photo by ZPKWŚ

On the second day of the Conference the active outdoor environmental protection measures were presented. The trip started by taking the lift up Mała Czantoriaone of the spots where the Project measures were carried out. In spite of bad weather conditions, the Conference participants had the chance to watch the sheep work live. The sheep flock comprising 302 sheep grazed on top of Poniwca and Mała Czantoria. Rain and fog made it impossible to walk long distance, however, one of the most valuable plant species was admired: green hellebore, notwithstanding low air temperature.

owce konferencja

photo by ZPKWŚ







Projekt LIFE12 NAT/PL/000081 pn. „Ochrona zbiorowisk nieleśnych na terenie Beskidzkich Parków Krajobrazowych” jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach komponentu I LIFE+ Przyroda i różnorodność biologiczna oraz Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.